Rina Irawati


Indonesia had its first case of Covid-19 infection in March 2020. Almost all sectors were affected, one of which was in the economic sector. The purpose of this study is to find out what internal and external factors are the basis for the decision to choose the Reseller Business Model as a business option, and to find out entrepreneurial strategies in order to survive running this business, especially during the pandemic. This type of research is descriptive qualitative by taking 10 frozen food reseller informants in Malang. The research findings indicate that the internal factors of decision making are: risk taker, internal locus of control, motivation, creativity and entrepreneurial spirit. While external factors include: family support, sources of capital, family environment, social environment and business opportunities. This research is supported by research by Bastaman, Aan & Riffa Juffiasari (2015), Irawati, Rina (2017), Nagel, P. Julius & Ani Suhartatik (2018), Ruswati, Ine (2018), Afifah, Zumrotul (2020), and Jehan R, Amelia & Moch Farizal Wibowo (2019).


Indonesia mengalami kasus pertama infeksi Covid-19 pada Maret 2020. Hampir seluruh sektor terdampak, salah satunya juga di sektor ekonomi. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui faktor internal dan external apa saja yang menjadi dasar keputusan memilih Reseller Business Model, dan mengetahui strategi wirausaha agar dapat bertahan menjalankan usaha ini, khususnya di masa pandemi. Jenis penelitian adalah deskriptif kualitatif dengan mengambil 10 informan reseller frozen food di Malang. Hasil temuan penelitian menunjukkan bahwa faktor internal pengambilan keputusan adalah: berani mengambil resiko, internal locus of control, motivasi, ide kreatif dan memiliki jiwa entrepreneur. Sedangkan faktor external meliputi: dukungan keluarga, sumber modal, lingkungan keluarga, lingkungan sosial dan adanya peluang usaha. Penelitian ini didukung oleh penelitian Bastaman, Aan & Riffa Juffiasari (2015), Irawati, Rina (2017), Nagel, P. Julius & Ani Suhartatik (2018), Ruswati, Ine (2018), Afifah, Zumrotul (2020), dan Jehan R, Amelia & Moch Farizal Wibowo (2019).


reseller business model; pengambilan keputusan; kewirausahaan; frozen food



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