Journal Title | Agrivet |
ISSN (Online) | 2722-6018 (online); 1410-3796 (print) |
Editor Chief | Dr. Ir. Tuti Setyaningrum, M.P. |
Publisher | Universitas Pembangunan Nasional "Veteran" Yogyakarta |
Frequency | June; September; December |
Sinta | 4 |
AGRIVET is a scientific journal that publishes research and discusses several aspects related to agriculture. AGRIVET is published by Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Yogyakarta and managed by the Study Program of the Agrotechnology Faculty of Agriculture ( Some scope and focus of AGRIVET are:
- Crop Production
- Plant Physiology
- Plant Biotechnology
- Plant Ecology
- Plant Breeding
- Seed Technology
- Weeds, Pest and Disease of Plant
- Biological Agent
AGRIVET Scientific Journal publishes twice per year in July and December. The article can be published in Bahasa Indonesia or English. The article was reviewed by experts that relate to the topic.
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Vol 31, No 1 (2025): AGRIVET (In Progress)
Table of Contents
Siti Musringah, Murti Astiningrum, Muzzayanah Rahmiyah
Ulyatus Sa’adah Al Habibah, Heti Herastuti, Tutut Wirawati, Siwi Hardiastuti Endang Kawuryan
Maura Bennyta, Rina Srilestari
Nur Fitriana, Darban Haryanto, Tuti Setyaningrum