Data-Driven Agriculture: Integrating Android and Cloud Computing in Smart Hydroponic Systems
This study delves into the fusion of Android-based cloud computing and RESTful cloud services to elevate the precision and management capabilities of hydroponic plant cultivation. Employing a RESTful API as a pivotal communication interface, our research embraces a prototype methodology for software development. Thorough API testing validates the system's responsiveness, underlining its alignment with user queries. The resultant application not only furnishes real-time environmental monitoring but also offers the flexibility of automated or manual misting control for hydroponic crops. Unique in its adoption of the hydroponic floating raft technique, this research harnesses Android Studio as the user-centric front-end interface, while RESTful APIs serve as the backbone for seamless data exchange. This pioneering amalgamation of technology and methodology has the potential to redefine hydroponic agriculture, endowing it with data-driven insights and precise control mechanisms.
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Computing and Information Processing Letters
Published by Department of Informatics, Universitas Pembangunan Naisonal Veteran Yogyakarta
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