Sintesa Kalsium Karbonat Presipitat

Carnila D Ariono


Calcium carbonate is one of the chemical substances, which is largely used in chemical industries such as coating and fìlters in paper, toothpaste, paint etc. Based on bulk density, this substance is classified into two kinds, which are light and heavy calcium carbonate. The need of calcium carbonate especially the light type is increased with the development of the chemical industries, but the domestic production of calcium carbonate cannot fulfill this need, so still needs to be improved. Precipitated calcíum carbonate (PCC) is the light type of high purity of calcium carbonate which is yielded from precipitation processes. Lìght PCC has intenal bulk density between 0,15-0.60 g/cm'. Synthesis of PCC from límestone consist of calcination, hydration and carbonation processes. In the calcination process, Iimestone is burnt in a high temperature to form CaO. The calcination process is usually done by the small scale industry. In the hydration process, CaO react with water to form Ca(OH), solution. Then in the carbonation process, Ca(OH),react with CO2 to form light PCC.
The experíment is focused in hydration and carbonatation processes has purpose to learn the ffict of ratio of CaO/HrO during hydration process and the effect of CO2, dilution by N, gas flow rate during carbonøtion process against percentage of CbaO converted to PCC. The result of this experiment are (l) maximum conversion of CaO to PCC is 50% and (2) the quality of product light PCC has fulfilled the specification for paper filler

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