Workplace Spirituality as a Mediator to Individual Spirituality and Organizational Performance in a Hospitality Business: An Evidence from Hotel X, Clarkfield, Angeles City, Pampanga, Philippines
Through this study, we want to determine whether workplace spirituality has mediating effects between individual's spirituality and organizational performance in a hospitality business in Hotel X, Clarkfield, Angeles City, Pampanga, Philippines. We used the Spirituality Assessment Scale developed by Hamilton Beazley, PhD targeting one hundred twenty-nine respondents. As far as we have known, our study may serve as one of the pioneering studies of spirituality in the hospitality industry. Overall, hotel employees (the management and rank-and-file) are relatively more spiritual as shown on the Spirituality Assessment Scale, which are made up of two dimensions: spirituality definitive dimension and spirituality correlated dimension. The correlational analysis showed that the employees’ spirituality moves in the same direction as to how employees find meaning and purpose to their work and how they perceived organizational performance. Also, there is no significant difference on the assessment of the spirituality and organizational performance among the employees based on the respondents’ level of education, except under the components of inner life, meaning at work & personal responsibility. Hence, we encouraged businesses in the hospitality industry to promote spiritual activities in the workplace
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