Factors Affecting E-Scooter Sharing Purchase Intention: An Analysis Using Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology 2 (UTAUT2)

Belinda Azzahra Irwan Putri, Farhan Atha, Fathiyya Rizka, Rizki Amalia, Shafira Husna


Transportation uses a significant amount of energy and burns most of the world energy consumers. As a result, it gives effect to the environment, such as air pollution in the forms of carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxide, hydrocarbons or volatile organic compounds, and particulate matter. Those compounds contribute a phenomenon called global warming. Within the transportation sector, road transport is the largest contributor to global warming. To cope with global warming, environmental regulations in developed countries are trying to reduce the individual vehicle's emissions. However, this has been counterbalanced by an increase in the number of vehicles and increased use of each vehicle. Therefore, micro-mobility may alleviate several challenges facing big cities today and offer more sustainable urban transportation. This research utilizes the framework of the UTAUT2 to identify and build a quantitative approach to identify factors related to the purchase intention factors of e-scooter sharing. The 200 respondents' field data were collected in Jakarta Metropolitan Area (Jabodetabek) as a rapid increase in pollution level. The linear regression study revealed that the consumers' purchase intention of e-scooter sharing is shaped by seven main factors: performance expectancy, effort expectancy, social influence, facilitating condition, hedonic motivation, price value, and habit. Those factors can explain 81 percent of the field data. Moreover, a brief recommendation for related stakeholders based on the research result is proposed to increase the adoption of e-scooter sharing. The practical implication resulted from this analysis are suggested policy measures the e-scooter sharing environmentally impact potency and strengthening circular economy as a part of green economy achievement in the communities.


Behavioral Intention, Circular Economy, E-Scooter Sharing, and Jakarta

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.31098/ijcbm.v1i2.4397


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