The Effect of Green Advertising, Trust, and Attitude on Green Purchase Intention: An Evidence from Jogjakarta, Indonesia

Bunga Alfausta Amallia, M Irhas Effendi, Abdul Ghofar


The damaged environment that has been influenced by human life is now encouraging consumer behavior changes to be more aware of the environment and interested in buying green products; and through this study, we want to determine and analyze the role of attitude as mediation and the effect of green advertising, green brand trust, and attitudes towards green purchase intention. We used a questionnaire and obtained a sample of 118 respondents using the purposive sampling technique. Then, we analyze the data using PLS-SEM analysis tool with Smart PLS 3.2.8. Our results showed that green advertising, green brand trust, and attitudes towards green products had a significant and positive effect directly on green purchase intention. Green product mediation's variable attitude was full of green advertising variables, green brand on green purchase intention.


Green Advertising, Green Brand Trust, Attitude, Green Purchase Intention

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