Work Achievement through Leadership Roles, Motivation and Work Discipline; Study in Kendari City
As a Regional Work Unit (SKPD), the position of RFAMA is very vital in regional financial management so that leadership, discipline and work motivation are absolutely necessary in providing excellent service to interested parties. It's just that, the work achievement of the Kendari City RFAMA has not been published so far, so it is important to do this research. The purpose of this study was to analyze the partial influence of Leadership Style, Motivation and Work Discipline on work achievement and the simultaneous influence of Leadership Style, Motivation and Discipline on work achievement. The research sample of 60 people was taken by census or all employees. Data obtained through questionnaires and observations. The assessment instrument uses a Likert scale (1-5). The level of confidence used in the item validity test in this study was 95%. Data were analyzed by multiple linear regression using the statistical package for social science (SPSS) version 26.0 for Windows. The results showed that partially each of the Leadership Style, Motivation and Work Discipline variables had a positive and significant effect on work achievement. This means that the Leadership Style has been good and can be accepted by all employees so that it can improve work achievement in the scope of RFAMA in Kendari City. With high work morale and work motivation that is owned, will be able to improve work achievement in the scope of RFAMA Kendari City. These findings also indicate that high work discipline and enthusiasm for obeying the existing rules and being responsible for the assignments given will be able to improve work achievement in the scope of RFAMA in Kendari City. The next finding is that simultaneously the variables of Leadership Style, Motivation and Work Discipline together have a positive and significant effect on work achievement. This shows that a good Motivational Leadership Style and Work Discipline can improve work achievement of employees at the Kendari City RFAMA Office.
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