Utilization of Handheld XRF Gun as Quick Analyzer in Monitoring Flotation Plant Tailing Leaching Gold Ore in Pahang, Malaysia

Sarmilah Sarmilah, Najwa Amalina Putri Rahmadhani, Marthen Pitherson


This study examines the use of handheld XRF as an alternative method for determining gold content in dried tailing slurry from the resin in leach process, addressing the time constraints of AAS analysis in gold ore flotation. The flotation method was employed to enhance the gold concentration in samples collected every 2 hours from the feed, final concentrate, and final tailing areas. XRF Gun analysis was performed for 1 minute, while fire assay fusion was conducted at a maximum temperature of 1000°C, followed by cupellation for 1 hour. The results showed a significant correlation in Au values measured only in the concentrate, with an adjusted R Square of 0.494, indicating that XRF variables influenced 49.4% of the AAS results. Each unit increase in XRF corresponded to a 0.601 increase in AAS. Handheld XRF offers speed and portability, whereas AAS provides high accuracy and precision. Factors affecting measurement accuracy include the detection limit, sample matrix composition, sample homogeneity, and instrument calibration for XRF, and sample preparation, reagent quality, operational conditions, and chemical interference for AAS. This research contributes to rapid and portable gold content monitoring methods in the mining industry.


Gold; Flotation; Handheld XRF; Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy; Tailing Slurry

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.31315/jmept.v5i2.13202


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