Magnetic Flux Leakage for Tank Inspection 2F-4905

Rangga Buana


In the world of metal and non-metal industries, materials are a common thing. However, to get a quality material, a test needs to be done. One of them is the Magnetic Flux Leakage (MFL) method which is widely used for Non-Destructive Test (NDT). NDT is one of the activities to test the properties of metals which is often known as physical metallurgy. In this study, it was carried out to detect defects or corrosion in the bottom of storage tank 2F-4905 at PT Mitsubishi Chemical Indonesia by applying API 650 Standard. This is done as a form of occupational health and safety program to ensure there is no potential damage that can cause leaks in the future. The results obtained from the inspection found no irregularities or defects in the test results that did not meet the acceptance criteria set by PT MCCI based on the standard for storage tanks, namely API 650.


Non Destructive Test; Magnetic Flux Leakage; Discontinuities; Physical Metallurgy

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Department of Metallurgical Engineering, UPN "Veteran" Yogyakarta
Metallurgical Research and Development Centre (MRDC)-UPNVY
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