Pengaruh Penambhan Pati Ubi kayu dalam Pembuatan Bioplastik dari Pati Sukun

Lulu Nurdini, Hafitzh Fansyuri, Trisyadevi Wibowo, Hendriyana Hendriyana


The main aim of this study was to determined the effect of cassava (Manihot esculeta) starch and breadfruit starch (Artocarpus altilis) ratio, as the raw material for synthesis of bioplastic film (1;0, 1:1, 1:2, 1:3). Additives, glycerol (0,2 ml) and chitosan (50 ml)  was added to immproved the quality of bioplastic film.  Bioplastic film casted after the mixing process at 740C for 1 hour and dried by oven at temperature 500C for 24 hours.  Properties of bioplastic film was analyzed. The 1:2 ratio of  cassava starch and breadfruit  showed tensile strenght (1,765 kgf/mm2) meet the SNI 7818 : 2014 standard for bioplastic. But the percent of elongation (17,03%) of this bioplastic doesnot meet the standard SNI.  Bioplastic degraded naturally after 30 days visual observation.


bioplastic, breadfruit starch, cassava starch, tensile strenght, percent elongation, biodegradability


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