Pembuatan Pelet Jerami Padi untuk Bahan Bakar Rumah Tangga: Pengaruh Ukuran Partikel, Kadar Air dan Konsentrasi Perekat Dalam Umpan Terhadap Kualitas Pelet

Hendriyana Hendriyana, Lulu Nurdini, Bambang Hari P, Gatot trilaksono, Nabyl Ghozi Ash-shiddiq, Yudi Dharma Widana


Process variables of rice straw pelletization, including particle size (1,355 mm and 0,417 mm), feedstock moisture content (15% and 20%) and binder concentration (3%, 4% and 5%), were evaluated to understand their effect on pellet quality (moisture content, unit density, bulk density, hardness, durability and yield of pellet). Effect of particle size insignificant to the moisture content of pellets and positive effect to other properties.  Feedstock moisture content and binder concentration can be an increasing quality of pellets.Rice straw pellets generated under particle diameter feed conditions 0,417 mm, a 20% water content and 5% binder concentration resulted from greater quality compared to other pelletization conditions with moisture content 14,47%, unit density 1201,3 kg/m3 bulk density 659,7 kg/m3, durability 99,94% and yield of pellet 77,42%. 


rice straw, pelletization, particle size, feedstock moisture content, binder concentration, quality of pellets


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