Pengaruh Rasio Pelarut dan Waktu Ekstraksi terhadap Kadar Glukomanan pada Ekstraksi Umbi Gembili (Discorea esculenta L) Berbantu Gelombang Mikro

Sonson Utomo, Anis Zakiyah Adnan, Retno Sulistyo Dhamar Lestari, Denni Kartika Sari


Gembili tuber (Dioscorea esculenta L.) are tubers of the Dioscoreaceae families. Plants from the Dioscorea families contain lots of glycoproteins and water-soluble polysaccharides. Gembili tubers contain 13.14% of water soluble polysaccharides, with the main polysaccharide is glucomannan, which can be used as a substitute for wheat flour and food additives. The glucomannan extraction process of gembiilli tuber can be done with the help of microwaves, which can accelerate extraction time through fast and efficient solvent heating. The purpose of this research is to determine the glucomannan content of the extraction of microwave-assisted gembili tuber with a variation of the solvent ratio with samples 1:10, 1:15, 1:20, and extraction time 1,3,5, 7 minutes. The best results obtained in this study were at a variation of 5 minutes with a ratio of 1:15 solvent with glucomannan content of 76.26%, water content of 9.02%, and ash content of 3.08%.


gembili, glukomanan, extraction, microwave


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