Hidrolisis Tepung Pisang Klutuk dengan Katalisator Asam Klorida

Ani Purwanti, Miftahul Arifin


Klutuk banana flour contains about 61.2% starch, 9% water, and 4% ash. This high level of starch in klutuk banana flour is a great advantage for industrial raw materials, such as glucose syrup and alcohol. This research aims to study hydrolysis reactions in klutuk banana flour with catalyst hydrochloric acid (HCl). The hydrolysis process was carried out in a three neck flask equipped with a stirrer, a reflux tool, a thermometer, and heated in a water bath. This process was operated on temperature of 1000C with varioustime of reaction and HCl concentration. The glucose levels were analyzed at certain times and certain HCl concentrations. The hydrolysis process was carried out by reacting 10 grams of klutuk banana flour and 500 mL of HCl solution with concentrations varied from 0.2 N to 0.6 N. The optimum condition for the hydrolysis reaction of klutuk banana flour was reached at a concentration of 0.6 N with hydrolysis time of 60 minutes. From this hydrolysis reaction the conversion obtained 77.29% and the glucose level obtained at 10.512 g / L. The kinetic of the hydrolysis reaction of klutuk banana flour using HCl catalyst follows a first-order reaction with a constant reaction rate 0,03058 (minutes-1).


hydrolysis, klutuk banana flour, hydrochloric acid


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