Teknologi Pengolahan Limbah Cair Batik dengan IPAL BBKB Sebagai Salah Satu Alternatif Percontohan bagi Industri Batik

Lilin Indrayani


The increase in production from the batik industry, in addition to providing a positive influence on people's welfare, also has a negative impact. One of the negative impacts is the increase in wastewater which has a relatively high BOD and COD characteristic. Most of the batik IKMs dispose of their waste directly into the environment without any prior processing. While all this time the effectiveness of WWTP owned by several batik IKMs is still often doubted by various parties. Based on these conditions, it is necessary to pilot an effective wastewater treatment plant from Small and Midle Industry (SMI) batik. Through this paper a scheme was introduced in the Waste Water Treatment Plant (WWTP) for batik waste owned by the Center for Crafts and Batik (BBKB) which can be used as a model for batik IKM. The treatment process in the BBKB WWTP is through various stages, namely physics, chemistry, and biology through the process of sedimentation, coagulation and flocculation, and anaerobic filters. In this paper, it is also explained about (1) the characteristics and results of measurements of pollutant concentration in the liquid waste of the batik industry, (2) examining the influence of physical, chemical and biological management of batik waste on decreasing pollutant parameters. The tests were carried out in accredited environmental laboratories using standards for the quality and quantity of the batik industrial wastewater adapted to DIY Regional Regulation Number 7 of 2016 concerning waste water quality standards for the batik industry.From the results of testing on the stages of management carried out at WWTP BBKB shows that each treatment process can reduce the concentration of pollutant levels. The overall value of the parameters from the test results on the waste sample at the final stage before being discharged into the environment below the threshold value of environmental quality standards so that it can be stated that batik waste from the processing of BBKB WWTP is safe for disposal into the environment.


management of batik IKM wastewater, treatment phase and BBKB WWTP


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