Teknologi Bersih Microbial Fuel Cell (MFC) dari Limbah Cair Tempe Sebagai Sumber Energi Listrik Terbarukan

M. Syahri, Titik Mahargiani, Atras Ghali Indrabrata


Microbial Fuel Cell represent one of the technology convert energi exploiting ability of  bakteri catalise used to metabolism in form of bacterium.  Abacterium here is anaerob bacterium, where its bacterium can convert assortedly of organic compound become CO2, water, and energi. Through MFC some of yielded energi can be taken in in the form of electrics. MFC consist of two room which consist of anodize and cathode room, bacterium live at anodize room and alter substrat like glucose, acetate also liquid waste become CO2, proton, and electron. This attempt is conducted by including tempe liquid waste media into chamber counted each 400 ml and 800 ml., dominant microbe in tempe liquid waste is Clostridium sp microbe. Electrolyte condensation 0,1N  also passed to each volume 400 ml and this 800 research ml.  it is got by highest voltage that is  tempe liquid waste volume 800 ml electrode diameter and ml 0,4 cm equal to 675.  best Power Density mV  at  tempe liquid waste volume 800 ml that is at electrode diameter 0,4 cm at second hour equal to 244,11 mW / cm2.


microbial fuell cell (MFC), limbah cair


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