Pengaruh Perbedaan Rasio Mol Gliserol dengan Asam Asetat dan Jumlah Katalis terhadap Konversi Reaksi Asetilasi Gliserol Menggunakan Katalis Karbon Teraktifasi-Asam Sulfat

Zakiah Zakiah, Nurul Patmawati, Anisa Cahyani Aprilia, Ika Rahma Maulida, Nur Hidayati


Esterification of glycerol with acetic acid produces highly important oxygenated biofuel additives, which are generally called as acetins namely, mono acetyl glycerol, di acetyl glycerol, and tri acetyl glycerol. Individually, each acetylated product has its own potential applications in various fields. Generally, esterification of glycerol is performed over homogeneous mineral acids. However, the use of these mineral acids is usually limited by several technical and environmental drawbacks. The challenge is to replace them with highly efficient heterogeneous solid acid catalysts which are easier to separate from the products, stable at high temperatures and less toxic. This study is to perform activated carbon catalyst on esterification of glycerol by varying molar ratio glycerol to acetic acid (1:3, 1:4, 1:5, and 1:6) and amount of catalyst (3%, 5%, 7% and 9%). The highest conversion was about 81.19% which was performed at 1:6 molar ratio and 5% catalyst amount.


glycerol, acetins, activated carbon, solid catalyst


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