Pengujian Karbon Teraktivasi Asam Sulfat (KA-AS) sebagai Katalis pada Reaksi Asetilasi Gliserol Menjadi Triasetin

Anisa Cahyani Aprilia, Ika Rahma Maulida, Nur Hidayati


Tri acetyl glycerol or triacetin is one of the glycerol derivative products which can be used in various industries. The reaction of triacetin formation is an esterification reaction with glycerol and acetic acid. The esterification reaction of glycerol is slow reaction, therefore catalyst is needed to speed up the reaction. In this study, the acetin synthesis was carried out through esterification reaction  with glycerol and acetic acid using activated carbon catalyst. The temperature reaction was varied from 60 to 120oC and stirring speed was between 200 and 1000 rpm. The yield and conversion varied for different conditions, but in general, the conversion of acetin increased with time, temperature and stirring speed. The highest conversion was 79,18% and the selectivity is 21,31% monoacetin, 31,78% diacetin, and 46, 92%% triacetin which was obtained at a stirring speed of 1000 rpm at 120oC.


glycerol, acetylation, triacetin, solid catalyst, activated carbon


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Standar Nasional Indonesia (SNI) 7182 SNI Biodiesel 2015, SNI. Edited by Komite Teknis 27-04 Bioenergi. Jakarta: BSN 2015.


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