Pengaruh pH dan Suhu Ekstraksi Zat Warna Alami dari Limbah Sabut Kelapa Muda (Cocos nucifera) pada Pewarnaan Kain Batik Mori Prima Non Mordan

Agus Haerudin, Muhammad Ridwan Andi Purnomo, Sholeh Ma’mun


Phytochemical test results of positive young coconut coir extract containing flavonoids and alkaloids from anthocyanin pigments that have potential as natural dyes. In general, the manufacture of natural dyes affected by many factors namely pH, temperature, light and oxygen. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of pH and temperature extracting natural dyes from young coconut coir waste on the value of color quality test on the application to the coloring of not mordant batik fabric (Mori Prima). The method used was an experiment by varying the temperature (60 ℃, 80 ℃, 100 ℃) and pH (Neutral 7, Acid 2, Base 12), the results of the dye extract were applied to the coloring of not mordatn batik fabrics (Mori Prima), the results of the coloring application were tested for quality the color is the solution's absorbance color test, the color fastness in washing and the color aging level, the results of the coloring application are carried out a test of the color quality, namely the color absorbance test of the solution, the color fastness of the washing and the color aging level. The results showed the highest absorbance value of 1.5203 and the best color aging value of 14.25 from the variation of the acid pH treatment, and the extraction temperature of 100 ℃, the results of the color fastness test on washing the average value obtained 4 showed that the color quality of young coconut fiber has a value of fastness in washing in the good category.


young coconut fiber (cocos nucifera), natural dyes, batik, cotton fabric


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