Efek Kombinasi Natrium Hipokhlorit dan Pemutih Optis dalam Proses Bleaching dan Pengaruhnya Terhadap Kualitas Bahan Tekstil

Ab Dulmalik Khaliq, Achmad Chafidz, Nadia Ulfa Fitri, Syskha Yusrina Paramitha


Bleaching is a process that aims to eliminate the lignin content (natural pigment) in the pulp or fiber to obtain a high and stable color brightness. The fiber bleaching process must use reactive chemicals to dissolve the lignin content in the fiber to obtain a high degree of brightness. The bleaching process is affected by the amount of Natrium hipoklorit and Optical Bleaching Agent (OBA). The higher the use of Natrium hipoklorit as a whitening agent, the higher the percentage reduction in weight on the fabric and the white level on the fabric, the greater the weight. In this study the concentration we used was 20 ml, 40 ml, and 60 ml. The higher the experimental concentration, the higher the degree of white, the stiffness and the resulting flexibility. In the bleaching process using Natrium hipoklorit is also affected by the chemical Sky Stabilyzer which serves to slow down the decomposition of Natrium hipoklorit so that it can produce a maximum white degree.


bleaching, sky stabilyzer, natrium hipoklorit ,optical bleaching agent


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