Produksi Biohidrogen dari POME (Palm Oil Mill Effluent) Menggunakan Bioreaktor Hibrid Anaerob dengan Variasi Waktu Retensi Hidrolik

Adrianto Ahmad, Evelyn Evelyn, Dini Avriliani


Along with the increasing in the area of oil palm plantations, palm oil mill production has also increased. Palm oil mill produces liquid waste with high content of organic compounds. If it is discharged into waters it has the potential to reduce water quality and pollute the environment. Waste water treatment can be do with anaerobically and using anaerobic hybrid bioreactor. This study aims to test the stability and performance of anaerobic hybrid bioreactors with variations in HRT and parameters measured by COD (Chemical Oxygen Demand), acetic acid, VSS (Volatile Suspended Solid), volume of H2 gas and H2 gas. This operation is carried out by varying the hydraulic retention time and the working volume of the reactor 12,5 L, starting from the HRT of 6 hours with flow rate 2,0833 L/day, then the HRT 12 hours with flow rate 1,0417 L/day, and the last HRT 18 hours with flow rate 0,694 L/day. The highest reduction in COD was obtained was 5,200 mg/L with a COD removal efficiency of 92,2%, acetic acid 6 g/L, VSS 7,6 g/L. Thus the anaerobic hybrid bioreactor becomes the one alternative that can be used in treating liquid was that has a high enough organic content.


Anaerob hybrid bioreactor, biohydrogen, COD, COD removal, POME


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