Peramalan Kinerja Reservoir Lapangan Panas Bumi Gunung Iyang-Argopuro, Jawa Timur, Indonesia Menggunakan Simulasi Numerik TOUGH2

Dewi Asmorowati, Allen Haryanto Lukmana, Intan Paramita Haty, Intan Sulistiyani


The Mount Iyang-Argopuro geothermal field is a prospect field located in East Java, Indonesia. This field has a water-dominated reservoir and still in the exploration stage. Therefore, this study was conducted to find out how the production capacity of the Mount Iyang-Argopuro reservoir. The scenario of field development is done by simulating a reservoir model that has reached a natural state. The model was created and simulated with a TOUGH2 simulator, assuming the field will be produced for 30 years with a production capacity of Iyang-Argopuro geothermal field is 55 MW. Several production scenarios are tested on the model to obtain an appropriate production target. Based on the simulation results, a production capacity of 55 MW for 30 years was achieved with 9 production wells. Fluid from the wells flow to a 9 bar pressurized separator and an 8.5 bar turbine pressure. Despite the decline in production, the scenario is still able to maintain generating capacity above 55 MW.


Mount Iyang-Argopuro, field devolopment, reservoir simulation, TOUGH2


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