Optimisasi Pemompaan dan Penyaringan Air Bawah Tanah dari Goa Tuk Sarining Kembang untuk Memenuhi Kebutuhan Air bagi Warga Desa Gebang dan Sekitarnya

Heru Sigit Purwanto, Bambang Sugiarto, Dedi Fatchurohman


Water is main resources needed for daily life in Gebang Hemlet, Girisuko Village,  Gunung Kidul District, Special Region of Yogyakarta. Gebang is one of many hemlet in the Panggang sub-district, District of Gunung Kidul, with scarce water resources. In this hemlet there are about 170 family with around 4 members for each family, which amount to 680 people with limited water resources to fulfill their necessity. Water supply for this village is limited by by the available pump capacity. To date, people in the hemlet rely on water from rainfall during rainy season which is collected to a special water tank that was prepared as a reserve for dry season, while some villager uses water from caves. However, the pump is now out of order, so people have to purchase their water needs from water truck seller. Material adsorbed in karst medium is interrelated between organic substance (Coliform Parameter) and inorganic substances (TDS Parameter), so that by using laboratory processing, with Gravity Sand Filter chosen as additional process, using zeolite with 40-50 cm in thickness will have the capability to reduce TDS from around 232-268 ppm to below 180 ppm.


water, gravity sand filter, TDS


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