Evaluasi Proses Pengambilan Beta Karoten sebagai Sumber Zat Warna Alami dari Ubi Jalar Kuning

Ani Purwanti, Maria Egenia Vivian Eksi Putri, Nadia Alviyati


Yellow sweet potato (Ipomoea Batatas L.) or yam is an agricultural commodity as a source of carbohydrates which contained beta carotene. Beta carotene can be treated as an antioxidant to maintain an effective immune response. Beta carotene has been commonly used to provide a yellow to orange color for food. Replacement of synthetic dyes with a natural resource such as beta carotene is preferable. Beta carotene can be obtained from yellow sweet potatoes by alcoholic extraction. This research aims to evaluate the amount of solvent used and the speed of stirring in the extraction process. This research has been conducted by extraction using ethanol as a solvent. The stirring speed variation is carried out at 100-500 rpm, while the volume of the solvent in the extraction process is varied from 50 mL to 250 mL. The process temperature of 80° C, the processing time of 120 minutes, stirring speed of 500 rpm, a ratio of 50 grams of material, and a volume of 200 ml of solvent obtained the optimum amount of extracted beta carotene is 2980.785 μg / 50g.


beta carotene, yellow sweet potato, extraction, ethanol


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