Desalinasi Air Payau Desa Kemudi Gresik Menggunakan Adsorben Zeolit Teraktivasi

Fiska Yohana Purwaningtyas, Zainal Mustakim, Zan Nubah Arifah Chafsoh Rohmah, Tarisa Dwi Anastasya


The availability of clean water was the main focus in areas with land topography of 2 m above sea level, such as in the Kemudi village of Duduk Sampeyan District, Gresik. Salinity that reached 30.11 g / L made the water in this village included in brackish water. Adsorption was known to reduce the value of water salinity so that the water could be used by residents. In this study physically activated zeolite adsorbents at 400oC were used. Zeolites were able to absorb salts in water, so salinity of brackish water could be lower. The adsorption process used temperature variants of 30 ° C, 40 ° C and 50 ° C with a particle size of 250 microns (60 mesh). From the results of the experiment, it could be concluded that the brackish water adoption using zeolite both activated and non-activated could reduce salinity and Cl-levels. Activated zeolite can reduce Cl-levels higher than non-activated one.


adsorption, zeolite, salinity, brackish water


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