Pengaruh Konsentrasi KOH dan Suhu terhadap Adsorpsi Cu pada Limbah Cair Batik dengan Adsorben Bonggol Jagung

Rifai Nur Wakid, Rochmat Hari Prasetyo, Akida Mulyaningtyas


In Indonesia, corn is one of the staple foods with a high demand. However, corncobs are still considered as waste with very limited exploitation. This study aims to utilize corncobs as an adsorbent of copper (Cu) in batik dye wastewater which should not more be 2 mg/L when discharged into the enviroment. The analytical method to determine copper concentration was the Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (AAS). This research began with the production of corncobs as adsorbent in a furnace at the 350°C for 2 hours. The adsorbent was activated by KOH at various concentrations and was wet destructed by 65% HNO3. The result showed that the highest copper concentration in batik waterwaste was 23.306 ppm at 50°C while the lowest was 4.105 ppm at 75°C. According to KOH concentration, result showed that the highest copper concentration was 10.417 ppm at KOH 0.5 N and the lowest  was 0,529 at KOH 2 N. Based on the mathematical analysis this adsorption follows the isotherm model suitable for Cu adsorption is the Freundlich model.


corncobs, adsorbent, copper, batik dye waterwaste, atomic absorption spectrophotometer


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