Pembuatan Kitosan dari Limbah Cangkang Kepiting untuk Mengolah Limbah Cair Tahu

Ella Soviana Vebriyanti, Muhammad Irfan, Siswanti Siswanti


The production of tofu waste industry still contain high content of chemical oxygen demand (COD) and metal Fe as well as its acidity, so it is assessed can pollute the environment. There are various processes to overcome this, one of which is the addition of coagulants. In this study used chitosan to lower COD levels, metal Fe and increase the pH value. The research was conducted in 3 phases: (i) making chitosan from the waste shell of the crab by deproteination with concentration NaOH 2,28 ; 2,7 ; 3,25 ; 3,75 ; 4,36 N then in demineralization with concentration HCl 0,5 ; 1 ; 1,5 and 2 N. Then in deacetylation with NaOH 50% and analysis kjeldahl method, ash content, and FTIR to determine the quality of chitosan (ii)Mixing chitosan and Al2(SO4)3 in Tofu wastewater (iii) test COD, Metal Fe, and pH in Tofu wastewater. The final parameter observed is COD, Metal Fe and pH. The results of the study obtained COD reduction value up to 25,421% and the decrease in the metal content of FE up to 23,23%.


Crab shell, Chitosan, COD, Metal Fe, Wastewater


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