Studi Potensi Pemanfaatan OTEC (Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion) Menggunakan Siklus Terbuka untuk Mengatasi Krisis Listrik dan Air Bersih di Pulau Lembata, Nusa Tenggara Timur

Cahyadi Julianto


Based on data from the Center for Marine Geological Research and Development (PPPGL) in 2017, that the potential for Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC) in Indonesia is the largest in the world, spread over 17 locations at 41 GW. Nevertheless, there are still regions in Indonesia that lack electricity supply, one of which is Lembata Island in East Nusa Tenggara Province. According to research from the Head of the Kupang Lasiana Climatology Station, sea surface temperature in the northern waters of NTT has a temperature of around 27.5-29.5oC with sea temperatures at depths of 200-1000 meters at 4-5oC. Making it suitable for developing OTEC power plants with an open cycle. The calculation result of OTEC power generation potential is 2500 kW. Work produced by turbine is 96 Kj/Kg, turbine cycle efficiency is 3.09%, turbine power is 2838.95 Kw, evaporator capacity is 9172.98 Kg/s, condenser capacity is 93018.25 Kj/Kg, pump power vacuum of 291.01 kW. In addition to the electricity produced, the OTEC power plant can also produce fresh water. The fresh water is produced from an open cycle process so that it can be utilized by local residents.


Electricity,OTEC, Open Cycle, and Lembata Island


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