Pemanfaatan Pelepah Kelapa Sawit menjadi Bioetanol dengan Variabel Konsentrasi H2SO4 dan Waktu Fermentasi

Adrianto Ahmad, Idral Amri, Rahmah Nabilah


Scarcity of fuel oil (BBM) makes a lot of research leading to the search for alternative fuels that come from renewable natural resources. One of the raw materials that has the potential to be converted into bioethanol is oil palm midreb. The research aims to determine the effect of H2SO4 concentration on the hydrolysis process to produce glucose and to determine the optimum time of bioethanol production. Then hydrolysis process with variaitions of H2SO4 that is 1.5M, 2M, and 2.5M for 3 hours at temperature 100°C and continued with the fermentation process  to produce bioethanol with a fermentation time is 24 hours, 48 hours, 72 hours, 96 hours, and 120 hours. The results showed that the hydrolysis process  maximum sugar concentration of 161.98 gr / L is produced. The best concentration of H2SO4 in this research is 2 M and the best fermentation time is 96 hours with bioethanol levels obtained at 7% or 55.25 g / L.


bioethanol, fermentation, hydrolysis, palm fronds, saccharomyces cerevisiae


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