Ekstraksi Ultrasonik Karotenoid pada Kulit Waluh Menggunakan Pelarut Virgin Coconut Oil

Susanti Rina Nugraheni, Perwitasari Perwitasari, Heni Anggorowati


Waluh or pumpkin or Cucurbita moschata is known as one of carotenoid sources.  Cucurbita moschata is rich in vitamins which are useful for health, furthermore it is dissolved in water, fenolat, flavonoid polysaccharides, mineral salts, and vitamin that is all beneficial to health. The pumpkin peel which is a waste from processing pumpkin fruit, turns out have carotenoids and vitamin A. This research aims to extract carotenoid from pumpkin peel with ultrasound extraction method using virgin coconut oil (VCO) as solvent. Extraction was done using ultrasound cleaner machine at 40 kHz frequency, 100 Watt power and 300C temperature. Dried pumpkin peel powder (40 and 100 mesh) was extracted in different time (30, 60 and 90 minutes) and various in solid to solvent ratio. The filtrate as extraction product was analyzed by using Spectrophotometry UV-Vis at 490 nm wave length. The highest carotenoid concentration was 36.521 ppm that obtained at 60 minutes, 1:10 solid to solvent ratio and 40 mesh of solid size.


pumpkin peel, ultrasound extraction, virgin coconut oil, carotenoid, spektrofotometri UV-Vis


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