The Effects of Compaction Towards Diversion Channel Base Material

Faizal Agung Riyadi


The sustainability and safety of surface mine operations often depend on various factors, including the hydrology of the area and a suitable plan to address its challenges. Some of the concerns related to hydrological issues include the drainage system and its design preparation. In special cases where river diversion is required, there may be specific issues with the planning and construction process. In such instances, a diversion channel is planned to be built between two closely situated pits. This channel will be constructed upon an embankment consisting of disposal materials. The plan has implications for the spatial positioning and the choice of materials for the channel base. The embankment requires proper treatment and processes during its construction, such as compaction and consolidation. This study addresses the effectiveness of compaction efforts on the material's capacity concerning its physical, mechanical, and hydrogeological properties. The analysis was conducted using correlations between laboratory test results and extracted hydrogeological data using software instrumentation. These correlations specifically examine the changes in compaction values in relation to changes in material properties. The study concludes that compaction efforts have a significant impact on the material's ability to support the diversion channel, making it an effective means of enhancing the material's capabilities

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