Review On The Effect Of Vegetation On Waste Treatment In Mining Wetlands

Laurencius Pieteurs, Akbar Ivansyah, Andrejassi Pegasoln Damanik, Shofa Rijalul Haq, Faizal Agung Riyadi


This study discusses the influence of vegetation growth on waste treatment in mining wetlands. Mining wetlands are wastewater treatment systems that use plants as treatment agents. The aim of this research is to provide information on the impact of vegetation growth in mining wetlands on the effectiveness of waste treatment. The method used is a literature review by searching for articles and scientific journals related to the influence of vegetation growth in mining wetlands. The research results indicate that vegetation growth in mining wetlands has a positive effect on the effectiveness of waste treatment. The more plant species that grow, the better the waste treatment. The pH and TSS levels of the water in the wetlands also increase with the presence of vegetation. Moreover, the levels of Fe, Mn, Pb, and decreased with the presence of vegetation. Additionally, the vegetation with the best productivity while maintaining its condition is Typha sp. This plant can also survive in wetland areas with high water levels. In conclusion, the presence of vegetation has a positive impact on waste treatment in mining wetlands and can be an effective solution to address water pollution in mining areas.

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