Rizki Khoiriah Nasution, Shofa Rijalul Haq, Tedy Agung Cahyadi, Rika Ernawati


Coal is a non-renewable natural resource widely utilized as the main fuel for power generation, contributing approximately 80% of energy demand. However, dependence on coal presents significant challenges, such as future supply limitations, negative environmental impacts, and the need for diversification of energy sources. Co-firing technology, which involves the joint combustion of coal and biomass, is emerging as an alternative solution to improve combustion efficiency while reducing environmental impacts. This study aims to analyze the combustion efficiency of two types of coal, namely lignite and anthracite, combined with various types of biomass, such as sawdust, rice husk, wheat straw, tobacco, sawdust, and sunflower seed shells. Based on a literature review of previous studies, the analysis shows that lignite coal has higher combustion efficiency than anthracite when blended with biomass. The highest efficiency was recorded at 92% in the mixture of lignite with sunflower seed shells, supported by the reactive nature of lignite and the characteristics of biomass with high volatility and low ash content. In contrast, anthracite coal recorded its highest combustion efficiency of 85.5% when combined with sawdust biomass, attributed to the less reactive nature of anthracite and the high temperature required for complete combustion. Overall, co-firing technology has proven effective in improving combustion efficiency and utilizing biomass as a sustainable alternative fuel. The successful implementation of this technology highly depends on proper biomass selection, optimization of mixture proportions, and control of operating conditions. With a well-planned approach, co-firing can be a strategic solution to reduce greenhouse gas emissions while supporting the transition to a more efficient and environmentally friendly energy system.

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