Analysis of Geostatistical Methods for Mineral Resource Estimation: A Literature Review

Tommy Suwandi, Nurkhamim Nurkhamim


Mineral resource estimation is the process of determining the volume and grade of mineral deposits based on exploration data (SNI 4726:2011). Its objective is to provide a quantitative assessment of the economic potential of mineral deposits. This process involves geological, statistical, and geostatistical principles, while considering data quality, distribution, and deposit characteristics. Geostatistical methods, such as Ordinary Kriging (OK), Indicator Kriging (IK), and Inverse Distance Weighting (IDW), are widely used in resource estimation due to their ability to integrate spatial relationships between data, making them superior to conventional methods. Each method has specific characteristics that make it suitable for certain conditions. OK is well-suited for data with homogeneous distribution, such as nickel, as it can produce accurate estimates with low RMSE. IK is often applied to gold deposits with fluctuating grades and complex spatial relationships. IDW, though simpler, is effective for minerals with homogeneous distributions, such as nickel and iron ore. Previous studies emphasize that the choice of method should consider parameters such as data distribution, type of mineralization, and regional geology. By analyzing the characteristics of these methods, this study evaluates the suitability of OK, IK, and IDW based on the type of mineral and data distribution. This approach aims to support more optimal exploration and management of mineral resources.

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