Decision-Making for The Selection of Vegetable Suppliers for Foods Distributors uses AHP and TOPSIS

Chintya Salwa Sabhira, Annisa Tri Wahyuni, Winnie Septiani, Martino Luis


An essential component of supply chain system management that requires attention is the evaluation of supplier selection. The chain system will function more effectively with the best provider. The distribution of food ingredients is one industry that is concerned about its suppliers. Spinach is one of the items that is highly problematic. Since spinach is a perishable food, supplier assessment is required. One of the most concerning products is spinach. Because spinach is a perishable food, supplier evaluation is required. The aim of this study is to assess the selection of spinach product providers based on numerous characteristics, including delivery, quality, price, service, and location. The AHP approach is used for weighing; in this case, the evaluation or weighting is done by giving questionnaires to three respondents in their domains. The TOPSIS method is used in determining the ranking of each alternative. The results of this study indicate that the price criterion has the highest weight, with a weight of 0.39. The selected alternative recommendation is alternative 4, which has the highest average Vi value based on the opinions of three experts. This model is proven to be able to solve the supplier selection evaluation problem by selecting an alternative or supplier 4 as a supplier of spinach for a food distributor company

Kata Kunci

Supplier Selection; Decision-Making; AHP; TOPSIS; Perishable Product

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