Syahran Firdaus, Catur Susanto, Halim Dwi Putra


The performance of the bureaucracy in Indonesia faces a big challenge when the Covid-19 pandemic situation occurs. As the spearhead of a policy issued by the government, the bureaucracy is expected to be run effectively and efficiently. Especially in a crisis situation, the resulting impact must be immediately felt by the affected community. It is interesting because the character of bureaucracy is always associated with slow motion, rigidity, and quite complicated. In fact, in a crisis situation like this, a bureaucratic character that is coordinated, adaptive to field needs, and measurable in every step taken is needed. This aim paper to reflect on the Reform Agenda in Indonesia which has been launched in recent years with the performance of the bureaucracy in responding to the crisis due to the Covid-19 pandemic outbreak. The research method is carried out qualitatively and data collection through secondary data collection. The result this research  for reflection that is carried out tries to provide recommendations view on the current bureaucratic reform agenda in Indonesia using the concepts of Bureaucratic Reform Politics and Strong Political Leadership. These two concepts are relevant to explain the shortcomings of the bureaucratic changes that have been planned so far.


Bureaucracy, Bureaucratic Reform, Crisis Situation, Politics of Bureaucratic Reform, Strong Political Leadership.


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Paradigma: Jurnal Masalah Sosial, Politik, dan Kebijakan

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