Dyah Ayu Irawati, Hari Prapcoyo, Indah Widiyaningsih


Beef cattle farms in Indonesia continue to increase their productivity in order to meet the national meat demand, as one example is the cattle farmer group in Katekan village, Gantiwarno, Klaten. Some of the obstacles faced by a group of cattle farmers in the village of Katekan, Gantiwarno, Klaten are that the processing of feed that must be provided by the breeder for cattle must be cut before it can be used for cattle feed, in addition to green care provided by farmers in the form of recording of giving, giving gifts, and recording the weight of cattle to recording the costs of caring for cattle that have been incurred, so that the price of cattle can be calculated at the time of sale. The problems faced by the cattle farmer group in the village of Katekan, Gantiwarno, Klaten need several solutions that can be supported by the PbM Team, including the provision of a grass chopper machine for green feed processing and ICT technology innovation in the form of a cattle rearing management information system that can record medical care, offering feed and recording the development of cattle to determining the selling price of cattle based on the weight of the cattle, costs incurred and the desired profit.

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