Harry Budiharjo Sulistyarso, Joko Pamungkas, Asih Sriwinarti, Wahyu Dwi Artaningtyas


The Joint Business Group (KUB) “Sido Makmur” is an association of wood furniture craftsmen located in Dusun Geger, Pengkol Village, Kapanewon Nglipar, Gunung Kidul Regency. In the last two years they have become our PbM (Community Service) partners. There are three aspects of the problems faced, are: production, management, and marketing aspects. Problems in the production aspect are related to electricity supply constraints. The problem in management lies in conventional business management, due to lack of knowledge and limited capital. Meanwhile, in the marketing aspect, due to the limited reach of sales, which are only based on direct orders, they are not familiar with internet-based marketing. The solution and alternative to overcome these problems is to do online marketing through digital marketing. The result of this PbM activity is that the members of KUB “SIDO MAKMUR” realize the importance of using information technology to expand the market, by having a digital marketing account.

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