Herry Riswandi, Dina Tania


Kalibiru Tourism Village develops eco-tourism potential by prioritizing aspects of nature conservation, socio-cultural-economic empowerment of local communities, and learning and education. Now, tourist visits have decreased since 2018 and are increasingly critical during the COVID-19 pandemic. So, residents are trying to explore the potential for creative tourism in the village in the form of the Kalibiru Kontur Batik, which expects to support the residents' economy by developing batik that symbolizes village identity through motifs and has a philosophy as a form of local wisdom.

The Kalibiru Contour Batik is a manifestation of the results of geological studies harmonized with the state of the landscape in the Kalibiru Tourism Village in the form of hills, valleys, and rivers reflected in the form of contours contained in Topographic Maps and Geological Maps. The contour on the topographic map are the motifs of the Kalibiru Contour Batik, and the Legend on the Geological Map, which tells the village's history, is the basis for the philosophy of the Kalibiru Contour Batik.

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