Bambang Supriyanta, Dwi Aulia Puspitaningrum, Heriyanto Heriyanto, Ali Hasyim Al Rosyid


There are still many yards of land owned by the community, especially members of the Berkah Mbaon Farmer Group that have not been utilized so that they can be used to grow vegetables and biopharmaceuticals with the use of appropriate technology.This community empowerment program aims to help overcome these problems by providing training and assistance in creating a planting system in the yard with smart farming through automatic fertigation. The method of implementing this service is by means of observation, socialization, counseling, training, mentoring and ending with evaluation activities. Based on the activities that have been carried out, several conclusions have been obtained, namely (1) partners have known and are able to apply horticulture and herbal plants cultivation in the yard by implementing smart farming, (2) partners have known the selection of horticultural commodities that can be cultivated in the yard cultivation system, (3) partners know and are able to apply post-harvest and processing of cultivated products in their yards, (4) partners must continue to innovate in the development of planting systems and irrigation systems that are in accordance with environmental conditions to maximize available resources in the surrounding environment, especially in yard. The recommendation from this service activity is that a continuous service program is needed to help reduce the problems experienced by the Berkah Mbaon Farmer Group through intensification of training and mentoring of efficient irrigation systems on unused land using affordable infrastructure, assistance in processing agricultural products. and marketing of agricultural products.

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