Aplikasi Manajemen Kuangan Digital Bagi Usaha Kerajinan Enceng Gondok Lestari Craft

Yuli Dwi Astanti, Intan Berlianty, Dian Hudawan Santoso


Technological progress is something that cannot be avoided, especially for business people. Advances in digital technology have also penetrated digital financial management, making it easier for business actors to work. Lestari Craft is one of the MSMEs that does not yet have detailed financial management due to the absence of experts to do it. This community service aims to introduce a digital financial management application called Credibook to facilitate the bookkeeping and financial management of Lestari Craft's business. After the training, it was found that this application was easy to understand and implement, so that it had a positive impact in improving and developing Lestari Craft's business in terms of financial management.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.31315/psnpm.v0i0.8290

DOI (PDF): https://doi.org/10.31315/psnpm.v0i0.8290.g4850


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