Perbaikan Cara Kerja, Manajemen Organisasi, dan Kualitas Produk serta Penerapan K-3 dan Pemasaran Online Pada UKM Kuningan Ngawen

Novrido Charibaldi, Sutrisno Sutrisno, Hery Sutanto


The Kuningan Ngawen UKM Center is located in Ngawen Hamlet, Sidokarto Village, Kepanewon Godean, Sleman Regency, DIY. There are 18 brass craft activists at the Ngawen Brass Craft Center. The Ngawen Brass Handicraft Center is chaired by Mr. Wiyoto, this center was established in 1999. Based on interviews with center workers, complaints were obtained that workers at the work station making tanjuk and night-style hangers complained that their feet and hands were often tingling and achy. After an assessment, it turns out that this is because the chairs used by workers at the work station have not considered the work position at work, so that if you work for a long time it will interfere with the health of workers. To solve this problem, ergonomic work chairs have been made for workers. Based on field observations, it can be seen that workers lack knowledge about Occupational Health and Safety (K-3) and lack of K-3 tools. To solve this problem, training on K3 and the fulfillment of K3 equipment has been carried out for workers at the center. Based on interviews with the center management, it turns out that until now the marketing carried out by the centers is still traditional, namely by selling products at the center locations or by selling to collectors. Currently the center has not marketed its products online, even though in this digital era, online marketing is very necessary. To solve this problem, online marketing training will be conducted using online marketing applications such as Tokopedia, Bukalapak, Shopie, and so on. Based on interviews with the center management, it was revealed that the awareness of the organization is still low, the desire of center members (activators) to advance the center is still low. To solve this problem, organizational management training will be conducted to raise awareness of members in advancing the center for the common welfare. In addition, based on interviews with the center management and observations made, one more problem was found, namely there are still many products resulting from brass castings that are porous. To solve this problem, training on the brass metal casting process will be carried out according to standards based on the results of research that has been carried out by the proposer so that the resulting product has a minimum porosity.

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