Pengolahan Limbah Dapur Menjadi Eco-Enzime Sebagai Pupuk Organik Cair di KWT Ngentak Lestari Bantul

Tri Wibawa, Endah Wahyurini, Suratna Suratna


The Women Farmers Group (KWT) Ngentak Lestari was formed on May 4, 2015 located in Seloharjo Village, Kepanewon Pundong, Bantul Regency. The problems faced by KWT Ngentak Lestari are: (1) the price of fertilizer used to grow organic vegetables is very expensive so that the profit is small; (2) Vegetables are often affected by pests and diseases so that the yield is not optimal, and sometimes even suffers losses; (3) Sales are not widespread yet still in rural areas so that the selling price is low. The solutions applied are: (1) manufacture of liquid fertilizer based on eco-enzyme technology; (2) making a simple green house to control pests and diseases and improve the quality of crop yields; (3) making hydroponics; (4) intensive application of online marketing in product marketing. The methods used are: Socialization, education on the manufacture and use of eco enzymes, procurement of eco enzyme facilities, assistance with eco-enzyme technology, capacity building for the application of online marketing for organic vegetables, procurement of online marketing facilities, procurement of websites and social media marketing, online marketing assistance, monitoring and evaluation. The outputs of this service program are: 1) eco-enzyme products; 2) online-based organic vegetable sales business; 3) books with ISBN and rights; 4) videos; 5) news in the mass media; 6) proceedings at the national community service seminar; 7) increasing the income of Ngentak Lestari KWT.

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