Pemberdayaan Kwt Cabe Rawit Untuk Mewujudkan Desa Wisata Hidroponik Di Dusun Jambon Desa Bawuran Pleret Bantul

Dyah Arbiwati, Abdul Rizal AZ, Indah Kartika Sandhi, Maftuh Kafiya


Puncak Sosok is one of the tourist destination in Bantul Regency, which is located in Jambon Bawuran Village. Its entrance is to the Puncak Sosok tourist spot, so it must look clean and beautiful to support these tourist destination. One of the efforts is to use the yard for hydroponic cultivation. KWT Cabe Rawit in Jambon, Bawuran Village, does not yet understand hydroponic cultivation techniques. The purpose of community service activities is for members of the KWT Cabe Rawit to be skilled in carrying out hydroponic cultivation. The method used is to provide counseling, training, and assistance on hydroponic cultivation techniques to members of the KWT Cabe Rawit. The results obtained from community service activities are that all members of the KWT Cabe Rawit are skilled in carrying out hydroponic cultivation, which includes sowing seeds on rockwool media, planting seeds on hydroponic planting media, regulating nutrient solutions for planting media, maintaining and harvesting, and skilled at making hydroponic installations. In addition, members of the KWT Cabe Rawit become more aware of the types of vegetable plants that can be cultivated hydroponically and can determine the types of vegetable plants to be planted as desired. This community service activity is expected to be sustainable so that it can meet the need for healthy and nutritious food, develop a productive economy, and create a beautiful, clean, and healthy green environment, and it is hoped that KWT Cabe Rawit can develop and transmit hydroponic cultivation techniques to other communities based on local resources in the Bawuran Village, so that the hydroponic tourism village is realized.

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