Analisis Kualitas Informasi Situs Web Pemerintah Kabupaten Yahukimo Provinsi Papua

Nias Wenda, Melkior Nikolar Ngalumsine Sitokdana


The Yahukimo Regency Government in Papua Province had a website with the address since 2011. Based on the search results, it was found that various weaknesses were found on the Website, one of which was the lack of quality of information. The quality of information must exist in every public information facility so that the public can obtain information quickly, precisely and accurately. Therefore, a study was conducted to analyze the quality of information that focuses on analyzing the appearance and content of the Website using 20 (twenty) dimensions of information quality according to Knight & Burn, namely Accuracy, Consistency, Security, Timeliness, Completeness, Concise, Reliability, Accessibility Availability. , Objectivity, Relevancy, Useability, Understandability, Amount of data Believability, Navigation, Reputation, Useful, Efficiency and Value-Added (Knight & Burn, 2005). Based on the results of the analysis of the Quality of Information on the Website, it can be concluded that various weaknesses relating to the quality of information are found. There are many errors in settings menu, information presentation, data, and information are rarely updated since the Website was published in 2011 to 2020, data and information are incomplete and irrelevant to the needs of today's society. Therefore, the current existence of the website is not useful enough for the people of Yahukimo Regency. Based on some weaknesses in the website, several recommendations are given which in essence need a strong commitment from the leadership of the Regional Government to take policies for the website improvement and continuous data updates to improve data and information services quickly and accurately.
Keywords: Information Quality, Website, Government, Regency, Yahukimo
Pemerintah Kabupaten Yahukimo di Provinsi Papua sudah memiliki Situs Web dengan alamat sejak tahun 2011. Berdasarkan hasil penelusuran ditemukan berbagai kelemahan dalam Situs Web tersebut, salah satunya adalah kualitas informasi yang masih kurang. Padahal kualitas informasi harus ada dalam setiap fasilitas informasi publik agar masyarakat dapat memperoleh informasi secara cepat, tepat dan akurat. Oleh karena itu, dilakukan penelitian untuk menganalisis kualitas informasi yang berfokus pada analisis tampilan dan isi Situs Web menggunakan 20 (dua puluh) dimensi kualitas informasi menurut Knight & Burn, yaitu Accuracy, Consistency, Security, Timeliness, Completeness, Concise, Reliability, Accessibility Availability, Objectivity, Relevancy, Useability, Understandability, Amount of data Believability, Navigation, Reputation, Useful, Efficiency dan Value-Added(Knight & Burn, 2005). Berdasarkan hasil anlisis Kualitas Informasi Situs Web Pemerintah Kabupaten Yahukimo dapat disimpulkan bahwa; ditemukan berbagai kelemahan yang berkaitan tentang kualitas informasi, yaitu; banyak terdapat kesalahan dalam pengaturan menu dan penyajian informasi, data dan informasi jarang di-update sejak Situs Web di tayangkan tahun 2011 hingga 2020, data dan informasi tidak lengkap dan tidak relevan dengan kebutuhan masyarakat saat ini karena hanya terdapat data-data lama. Oleh karena itu, keberadaan Situs Web saat ini belum cukup berguna bagi masyarakat Kabupaten Yahukimo. Berdasarkan sejumlah kelemahan dalam Situs Web tersebut maka diberikan beberapa rekomendasi yang intinya perlu adanya komitmen yang kuat dari pimpinan Pemerintah Daerah untuk mengambil kebijakan perbaikan Situs Web dan update data secara berkelanjutan guna meningkatkan layanan data dan informasi secara cepat dan tepat.
Kata kunci: Kualitas Informasi, Situs Web, Pemerintah Daerah, Yahukimo



Kualitas Informasi; Situs Web; Pemerintah Daerah; Yahukimo

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