Inner Cover, Editorial Board, From the Desk of the Editor - Vol 1 (1)

Admin JBOM


Dear Readers,

This is the very first edition of a new journal of Department of Management UPN “Veteran” Yogyakarta, named Journal of Business and Organization Management (J-BOM). Yes, we will issue some articles around business or organization management research.

All of the topics issued in this edition are interesting. Kusumawardhani et al. invite us to discuss the effects of transglobal leadership, job satisfaction and motivation on employee performance by noticing the mediating effecs of organizational citizenship behavior. Mulyorianto et al. talk about the effect of workload and leadership style on work discipline with motivation as a mediation variable. Still emphasize in analyzing mediation effect, Yanti et al. deliver their research result about the influence of organizational climate and work discipline on organizational commitment, with job satisfaction as a mediation variable; Lusiono et al. tell us about the role of work engagement in mediating the effects of job characteristics, supervisor and coworker support, participation in decision making, and job security on performance; then Putra et al. present their research result about the inuence of transformational leadership style and organizational culture on employee performance when mediated by work motivation. And one more, Devinta et al. write about the influence of cyberloafing behavior on performance using self-control as a mediation variable on employees of the manpower and transmigration department. Two other articles talk about something else: moderation effects. Pramesti et al. discuss the effect of workload and person-job fit on turnover intention with co-worker support as a moderation variable, while Rahmawati et al. write about the effect of e-commerce adoption on business strategy, with competitive advantage as a moderating variable.

Although in this first edition most of our articles are from human resource management field, actually we accepted articles from other fields as long as it is connected with business and organization management.

We will publish a new edition every May and November, so make sure you take part in it.

Happy reading!

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