Effects of Transglobal Leadership, Job Satisfaction and Motivation on Employee Performance through Organizational Citizenship Behavior

Ratih Kusumawardhani, Hery Sutanto, AYN Warsiki


This research was conducted at CV Tunas Jaya Abadi in Godean, Bantul. This study aims to determine the effect of transglobal leadership, job satisfaction, and motivation on employee performance through organizational citizenship behavior at CV Tunas Jaya Abadi in Godean, Bantul. The data collection method used was a census, namely taking the entire population of employees at CV Tunas Jaya Abadi with a total of 75 respondents, with respon rate by 74.3%. The data analysis technique used is descriptive data analysis technique and quantitatively with path analysis (path analysis). This study shows that transglobal leadership, job satisfaction, and motivation have a positive and significant effect on employee performance both directly and indirectly through organizational citizenship behavior as a mediating variable.

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