The Influence of Transformational Leadership Style and Organizational Culture on Employee Performance when Mediated by Work Motivation

Fernando Kharisma Putra, Arief Subyantoro, Purbudi Wahyuni


This study aims to analyze and determine transformational leadership style and organizational culture on employee performance mediated by work motivation in employees of PT Elizabeth Hanjaya Yogyakarta branch. Sampling in this study used saturated sampling (census), in which all members of the population were sampled as many as 50 people. Data collection in this study was carried out by interviews and questionnaires prepared with a Likert Scale and then calculated using path analysis data processing methods (path analysis) using SPSS. The results of this study are that transformational leadership style has a direct effect on employee performance, organizational culture has a direct effect on employee performance, transformational leadership style has an indirect effect on employee performance which is mediated by work motivation, organizational culture has an indirect effect on employee performance which is mediated by work motivation.

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