Influence of Job Embeddedness on Employee Performance Mediated by Work Engagement and OCB on Klaten District

Johan Jefriyanto, Hery Sutanto, Tri Mardiana


The purpose of this study is to examine the effect job embeddedness on employee performance,work engagement mediate influence job embeddedness on employee performance, and organizational citizenship behavior mediate influence job embeddedness on employee performance. This research conducted in CV. Gunawan Budi Farm, Klaten Regency. The Methods of data processing and data analysis in this study using descriptive and quantitative analysis. The population in this study amounted to 33 employees and used a census technique in taking the sample. The analysis technique in this study uses partial least square (PLS). Collecting data in this study using a questionnaire. The results of the analysis in this study show that :job embeddedness positive and significant effect on employee performance work engagement mediate positive and significant influence job embeddedness on employee performance, and organizational citizenship behavior mediate positive and significant influence job embeddedness on employee performance at CV. Gunawan Budi Farm, Klaten Regency.

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