The Influence of Leadership, Work Environment, and Motivation on Employee Performance at PT Modern Polaris Teknologi Jakarta

Wahyuni Panggabean, Ninik Probosari, Hery Sutanto


Human resource management is the (Human Resource Management-HRM) process of acquiring, appraising, training, and operating employees and managing their labor relations, health and safety, and fairness matters. Human resource management is the science and art of managing the relationships and roles of the workforce to be effective and efficient in helping the realization of the goals of the company, employees, and society. The population of this study was all employees at PT. Modern Polaris Technology Jakarta has as many as 37 people. The sampling technique used is Non Probability Sampling with saturated sampling (census) so that the entire population is sampled, as many as 37 people. The analytical tool used in this research is Multiple Linear Regression analysis. The results showed that: 1. There is a positive influence of leadership on employee performance at PT. Modern Polaris Technology Jakarta, 2. There is a positive influence of the work environment on employee performance at PT. Modern Polaris Technology Jakarta, 3. There is a positive influence of motivation on employee performance at PT. Modern Polaris Technology Jakarta, 4. The joint positive influence of leadership, work environment, and motivation on employee performance at PT. Modern Polaris Technology Jakarta.

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